"And they devoted themselves to the apostles' teaching and the fellowship, to the breaking of bread and the prayers." Acts 2:42
As a congregation of the Lord Jesus Christ, we are not only committed to worshipping God together, we love spending time together. It has been our tradition as a church, that on the first Sunday of the month, as soon as the morning worship service ends, we stick around to share a potluck meal together. Typically we offer all the goods of a Hawaiian plate lunch, some Americana, and always plenty of choices for the little ones. Please join us for our next fellowship meal. We would love for you to be our guest!
Potluck Coordinator is April Clason. You can email her here.
2023 Potluck Schedule & Themes
- November 19: Thanksgiving Potluck. Please bring a side to share! Turkey & Ham will be provided.
- December 3: Holiday favorites
- January 7: Crockpot Potluck