Maui Fire Relief - Click here for details on how you can help those affected by the Maui fires.

Classes are available for all ages through adults. Nursery care is also available. The classes and locations are as follows:

  • 0-3 years in the nursery - Alohalani Cunningham & Molly Willis
  • Preschool & Kindergarten in the classroom attached to the nursery - Kim Camping & Gabby Goodwin
  • 1st-2nd grade in the second building, main floor, left side- Todd Kimura
  • 3rd-5th grade in the second building, main floor, right side- Betty Bayles
  • 6th-12th grade in the second building upstairs - Anthony Miklas & P.J. McColgan
  • Adults in the main building upstairs library- Nathan Rao & Mike Lewis

 Click here to view the calendar.