"Jesus said, “Let the little children come to me and do not hinder them, for to such belongs the kingdom of heaven.” Matthew 19:14
For as long as the Church has existed, children have been a part of it. So, we love having children at our services and offer lots of options for their comfort and yours. You will find colored pencils and notebooks in the back of the sanctuary to help them in their time with us.
- Nursery Care: Children Ages 0-3 (morning service only). Located through the double glass door to the right of the main entrance.
- Nursery Coordinator is Molly Willis. You can email her here.
- Cry room: Open to all. If your little ones are having trouble sitting through the service, we have a room upstairs for your convenience where the service is streamed live as well. It is located in the main building upstairs in the library.